
Millions of Christian men, especially younger men, have become trapped in bondage to sexual lust through the widespread availability of Internet pornography. Porn Free: Finding Renewal through Truth and Community teaches us how the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ revolutionizes our thinking, and transforms our desires to lead us into healthy sexuality. It also shows us how living openly and honestly in community frees our hearts from guilt, and satisfies our need for true relational intimacy.

Based on Brian Gardner’s Sexual Integrity for Men class, which has seen hundreds of men find freedom from the bondage of pornography, this helpful guide is perfect for group study, accountability partners and groups.
Click here to preview the introduction and first chapter: PornFreePreview.pdf

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“Porn addicts are, unfortunately, a dime-a-dozen these days. And in the Christian ‘recovery’ community, there is no lack of would-be therapists and theologians. Brian Gardner stands heads-and-shoulders above the rest in this grassroots movement. His ruthless desire to be, first of all, faithful to the revealed truth of the Bible, and second, practically helpful to men entrenched in lust is what enables him to so easily marry doctrine with down-to- earth counsel. Brian has spent years helping the men in his church pursue real sexual integrity, and that wisdom comes out in this well-researched book. More than this, Brian is a real trophy of God’s costly grace. He unabash- edly shares with his readers about the squalor of the far country from where the Father called him, and the joy of freedom he enjoys as a child of the living God. I heartily recommend this book.”

Luke Gilkerson, Internet Community Manager, Covenant Eyes

“With pornography swamping the church today like a tidal wave, the need for strong, pointed instruction is intense. Brian Gardner has mined his extensive experi- ence and study in this field to bring us a highly useful book for men and women suffering defeat in their lives because of pornography. Get this book to the people in your church who need it. Even consider group study using the helpful group discussion questions provided.”

Dennis McCallum, Lead Pastor, Xenos Christian Fellowship and author, Organic Discipleship, Satan and His Kingdom, and Members of One Another.

“I highly recommend Brian Gardner’s Porn Free as a book that is authentic, biblical, and gospel-centered. Gardner’s honesty and practicality make the book a must read for anyone wanting to know more about the struggle with pornography and how to experience hope and healing through a relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Joe Bucha, speaker and licensed professional counselor

“It was a joy to review Brian Gardner’s much-needed book, Porn Free: Finding Renewal through Truth and Com- munity. The foundation on God’s Grace sets the hopeful tone that will help men persevere with this most challeng- ing arena. He has done a marvelous job of combining a strong scriptural foundation with personal disclosure, well-chosen outside sources, and provocative discussion questions. What a gift for groups of men who embrace their need for sexual integrity! For men who are com- mitted to “walk the walk” in becoming more Christ-like in all areas of their lives, here is a great resource to help them appropriate God’s Grace in the sexual arena. Brian has created a work that should prove to be a blessing to the men who accept the challenge of working through it and to the women and families God has (or will) bless them with.”

Ronald J. Olah, PhD, Psychologist